0.0 R Bootcamp Overview


DS Garage



0.0 slides


Bootcamp overview

The purpose of this self-guided, online Bootcamp is to help get beginners in R started as quickly as possible or to help people with experience refresh their knowledge. There are 3 modules introducing data science skills, including R Programming, traditional statistical analysis, and open science tools. We use R here because it is specifically designed for people with little or no formal programming training, and because it is so good at doing all the things we aim to do.


3 “Modules”

Module 1 (pages 1.x): A bare-bones introduction to R and Rstudio for beginners

Module 2 (pages 2.x): A bare-bones introduction to using R for traditional data analysis

Moduel 3 (pages 3.x): An introduction to reproducible code, R Markdown, and Github.


We have prepared a Bootcamp intro page to help orient you if you are a beginner, and this page will also cover our design approach for the materials and the tools you will need to get started right away. If you are already an RStudio user and comfortable managing and storing script files and scripts in R, you may want to jump straight into the Bootcamp modules.


We make a few assumptions about this material:

-You follow along with the workshop pages consecutively
-You complete each one before moving on to the next
-You attempt all of the problems at the end of each page
-Join us in Slack if you need assistance

That’s it!